Saturday, November 22, 2008


Both Friends Will Think The Other Is Busy

And Will Not Contact Thinking It May Be Disturbing

As Time Passes

Both Will Think 'Let The Other Contact Me'

After That Each Will Think 'Why I Should Contact First '?

Your Love Will Then Be Converted To Apathy

Finally Without Contact, The Memory Becomes Weak

They Forget Each Other.

So Keep In Touch With All And Pass This TO All Your Friends...
I Don`t Want To BeOne Of This Kind.

So Here I Am sending Mail To Every One

To Say

Dear Friend

I Am Fine Here

Please keep in touch with me

YaNg2 =D

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Friendship U Can Keep

Friendship.. Thank You.

Although we may seperate in the end, friends.. Never forget the day we shares together.. 6years studying in Sung Siew.. Soon.. all of us will walk a new path in our life.. Sigh.. Never forget the Happy, Sad, Angry, Hate, Childish moments we share together.


There's nothing left to say but goodbye my friends.